Ferment & Thrive: Beginner Sauerkraut
In this hands-on class you will learn about the process of lacto-fermentation and the wonderful benefits it imparts to your digestive system. We will cover briefly the science of it and I will show you the different types of fermentation vessels that you can use and the equipment that you’ll need. After we sample several different ferments that I’ve prepared, each participant will learn how to pack a quart jar with shredded cabbage and will then take it home to finish on their countertop. If one of your New Year’s goals is to eat more healthfully, this class is for you!
- Business Name: Wheatsfield Co-op
- Location Address: 413 Northwestern Ave
- Website for more information: https://www.wheatsfield.coop/class-sauerkraut-101-lets-get-packing/